

Assassin bug

Reduviidae or Assassin bugs are members of the order Hemiptera. This order is composed mainly of bugs whose living depends on ambushing their prey. Kissing bugs are the only member of it that is not predator rather an ectoparasite. Their curved proboscis is part of a defensive mechanism. They stab their prey and potential predators with it. It can cause the painful sensation.



Mecoptera, also known as scorpionfly, is an insect under the family Panorpidae. Males of this species have an enlarged long genital that appears to be a stinger of scorpions. Scorpionflies are observed to feed on the fresh human corpse.


Hercules Bettle

A member of rhinoceros beetles, it originated in the rainforest of Central and South America.  It can reach up to 17 centimeters in length, and its larva can weigh up to 100 grams. Females are larger than males but do not possess horns like that of males. This is considered as the strongest beetle on earth. It is used by many for beetle fights.


Goliath bug

There are only 6 species of this bug. This is one of the largest insects on earth. Under the family Scarabaeidae, these bugs are diverse in Africa. This can only be found in the tropical forest. Females of this species can grow up to 80mm and while males can reach up to 110mm. Adult goliath bugs can weigh up to 100 grams.


Brazilian tree hopper

One thing that makes this bug unique is the projection from its head with ball-like accessories. This is one of their defensive mechanisms against their predators. In some places, these are used for pet sports.


Spiny flower Mantis

A colorful yellow-green striped flower mantis, it can grow up 5 inches in length. When its wings are spread, it appears like eyes from its predators above.


Pipevine Swallowtail Caterpillar

This caterpillar is characterized by so many projecting filaments on its body including on the ridges on its side. There is also a pair of long horns projecting from its head. On its upper part, there is a very obvious of orange warts. These warts serve as the warning to their predators. Their body contains poison obtained from the leaves of the plant it consumes, the Pipevine.


Tailed Emperor Butterfly Caterpillar

This is a caterpillar of a large butterfly that can be found in Australia. This caterpillar is unique because of its pair of horns mounted on its rough head. It undergoes transformation into a butterfly with a wingspan of 85mm.


Hickory Horned Devil

Hickory Horned Devil is a caterpillar of the Royal Walnut Moth.  A huge green caterpillar with many black-tipped horns near its head and small black spikes around the body, this caterpillar is not harmless at all neither its spines.


Giant Weta

There are only 11 species of this weta. Endemic only to New Zealand, this bug can weigh up to 70 grams. Isn’t that too big for a bug?


Puss Moth Caterpillar

Megalopyge opercularis is a large moth with thick orange hairs. In its larval stage, it would look like something a cat has spat out. Covered with thick hair, this larva looks so fluffy and soft but its fur is very poisonous that can cause painful reactions. So be careful touching this fellow or should I say DO NOT touch him.


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