

1. Nessie of Loch Ness

Nessie of Loch Ness
Loch Ness, with a depth of 755 ft., is a freshwater lake found in Highland, Scotland. According to few witnesses, on this large body of water exists a monster. Known as Nessie to the local, this creature was said to first appear on May 2, 1993. There is only a hundred of reported sightings of this monster all describing it as “a dragon-like water monster”. Many have conducted searches for this creature, but failed to obtain any evidence that will prove the existence of Nessie.
Is Nessie a myth? Or is it just hiding somewhere and lurking behind the darkness of the deep.

2. The Jersey devil

The Jersey devilThe first recorded sighting of this mysterious creature was around 18th century. This terrifying creature has various descriptions given by individuals who have reportedly seen it. This creature was generally described as a monster with kangaroo-like body, a head of a goat, clawed arms and hooves, and possesses forked tail.
Although there are quite a number of evidences that was said to prove the existence of this creature, no one has ever fully explained its existence and no documentations was ever made to support the theory of its origin.

3. Yeti

Known to many as Bigfoot, this creature was some kind of ape species that is covered with thick hair all over its body. Those who have claimed to have seen it describes it as a ferocious ape-like creature about 8 feet tall. Bigfoot is known for leaving footprints uncommonly big for a regular adult ape. This creature is said to reside on isolated mountain areas. The only hint that could help you determine if he is near is his unique strong odor.

4. Chupacabra

Known by many names, this goat-blood sucking monster was first popularized around 1970s. An increase on sightings was observed around 1980s. This creature is known for killing goats by draining their blood. Its appearance was said to be that of a chimpanzee but hops like that of a kangaroo. This grey-skinned creature has red eyes glowing in the dark and fangs as sharp as spikes. Some also claimed that this monster has wings.

5. Mermaid

This mythical aquatic creature appeared in many tales told by our elders. Its legend was influenced by the Greek mythology. Ninety percent of Earth is water while seventy percentage of Earth is covered by oceans. Because of this vast oceans that we have, some believes that its existence might not be impossible after all. While our modern idea of a mermaid’s appearance is a beautiful woman with a good voice, sightings and encounters disprove these ideas. Some people who claimed to have seen or encountered a mermaid says that this creature is not what we thought it is. With its upper body being human like while the lower half looks like a tail of a fish. They also say that this creature is so ugly with sharp teeth.

Some people who claimed to have seen or encountered a mermaid says that this creature is not what we thought it is. With its upper body being human like while the lower half looks like a tail of a fish. They also say that this creature is so ugly with sharp teeth.

Some people who claimed to have seen or encountered a mermaid says that this creature is not what we thought it is. With its upper body being human like while the lower half looks like a tail of a fish. They also say that this creature is so ugly with sharp teeth.

If ever you encounter a mermaid, NEVER listen to their hypnotizing voice or you’ll be nowhere to be seen ever again.

6. Flatwoods monster

Flatwoods monster
There was a rumoured sighting of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) hovering above the ground of Flatwoods, Germany in 1952. After the event took place, numerous sightings of an unknown extra-terrestrial creature believed to came from the UFO. They described it as a creature with a human-like body with short arms. Its face was said to be glowing in red and whose body is green in coloration. Some also says that this creature was seen wearing some kind of skirt.

7. Sigbin

This creature can only be seen in the Philippines but it is considered by some to be a close relative of Chupacabra. Lurking in the darkness of the night, its main prey are livestock. Similar to the Chupacabra,, Sigbin is known to leave its animal victims drained with blood. According to folklores, sigbin also eats the flower of Calabaza plants and even attack humans by biting their ankles.
There are only rare encounters and sightings of this animal due to the fact that this animal is very swift and is very good at concealing itself.

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