Proof Of Afterlife

Proof of afterlife – in fact, three of them!

1. Out-of-this-body testifying

It was the year 1991, and Pam Reynolds was a young and promising singer. However, it seemed that her life is going to be finished too early when she developed an aneurysm. She didn’t have much choice – she had to choose whether she wants to try and save herself with a surgery, or face certain death. Naturally, she wanted to go along with the operation, and during this procedure, she was placed in some kind of a coma. Her body was held at only 15.5 degrees Celsius, and her eyes and ears were completely prevented from sensing the outside world. After this, Reynolds had her supernatural experience. Reportedly, she was floating above her body in

Her body was held at only 15.5 degrees Celsius, and her eyes and ears were completely prevented from sensing the outside world. After this, Reynolds had her supernatural experience. Reportedly, she was floating above her body in a coma, and she saw surgeons working around her. She heard “Hotel California” by the Eagles playing, and she saw exactly what every of the surgeons was doing. She told everything to her surgeon, and the most shocking thing was that her neurosurgeon has confirmed every detail of her story. I guess we are never going to find out how did Pam Reynolds know all these details. Maybe, after all, we should just admit that it’s a genuine proof of

She told everything to her surgeon, and the most shocking thing was that her neurosurgeon has confirmed every detail of her story. I guess we are never going to find out how did Pam Reynolds know all these details. Maybe, after all, we should just admit that it’s a genuine proof of afterlife. Weird things are happening on this planet, I know, but maybe that is exactly what we’re looking for.

After this, Reynolds had her supernatural experience. Reportedly, she was floating above her body in a coma, and she saw surgeons working around her. She heard “Hotel California” by the Eagles playing, and she saw exactly what every of the surgeons was doing. She told everything to her surgeon, and the most shocking thing was that her neurosurgeon has confirmed every detail of her story. I guess we are never going to find out how did Pam Reynolds know all these details. Maybe, after all, we should just admit that it’s a genuine proof of afterlife. Weird things are happening on this planet, I know, but maybe that is exactly what we’re looking for.

After this, Reynolds had her supernatural experience. Reportedly, she was floating above her body in the coma, and she saw surgeons working around her. She heard “Hotel California” by the Eagles playing, and she saw exactly what every of the surgeons was doing. She told everything to her surgeon, and the most shocking thing was that her neurosurgeon has confirmed every detail of her story. I guess we are never going to find out how did Pam Reynolds know all these details. Maybe, after all, we should just admit that it’s a genuine proof of the afterlife. Weird things are happening on this planet, I know, but maybe that is exactly what we’re looking for.

Maybe, after all, we should just admit that it’s a genuine proof of afterlife. Weird things are happening on this planet, I know, but maybe that is exactly what we’re looking for.

2. Changes of personality

Proof of afterlife

We often hear that people who had some serious accident and ended up in a coma, find themselves to be very different when they wake up. In some cases these people start talking language they never heard before all in a sudden, or they discover some talents that were hidden deep inside them. However, there is one thing that is similar to all these people who maybe died, and maybe not. They all have very, very similar psychological profiles. It would be important for us to notice that many doctors confirmed that these changes in the people’s profiles aren’t something that would be expected in these kind of situations. It is almost as if all these people went to the same place, and they saw or heard something that has changed them. These changes of personalities aren’t much of a proof of afterlife, but when we know that all of these people were very similar to each other when they woke up – now that is something that we should worry (or be excited?) about.

They all have very, very similar psychological profiles. It would be important for us to notice that many doctors confirmed that these changes in the people’s profiles aren’t something that would be expected in this kind of situations. It is almost as if all these people went to the same place, and they saw or heard something that has changed them. These changes of personalities aren’t much of a proof of afterlife, but when we know that all of these people were very similar to each other when they woke up – now that is something that we should worry (or be excited?) about.

These changes of personalities aren’t much of a proof of an afterlife, but when we know that all of these people were very similar to each other when they woke up – now that is something that we should worry (or be excited?) about.

3. Children who talk about proof of afterlife in a form of past lives

If you’ve heard of Ian Stevenson, then you must know about this “evidence” of most certain proof of afterlife – reincarnation. Allegedly, Stevenson has been doing research for the past few decades in order to find and interview children who claimed that they can remember their past lives. There is a story about some girl from Sri Lanka, who heard name of some town. After that, she claimed to her mother that she lived there, and was drowned by her brother. This girl also explained town she’s never been to right down to its details. She even said everything about the family she was allegedly belonging to. The biggest surprise – you may have guessed it already – was that out of her 30 claims, 27 were true. She even guessed everything about the house she lived in and names of the family members. How crazy is that!

There is a story about some girl from Sri Lanka, who heard the name of some town. After that, she claimed to her mother that she lived there, and was drowned by her brother. This girl also explained town she’s never been to right down to its details.

She even said everything about the family she was allegedly belonging to. The biggest surprise – you may have guessed it already – was that out of her 30 claims, 27 were true. She even guessed everything about the house she lived in and names of the family members. How crazy is that!

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