1. Guy Fawkes

guy fawkesBorn in April of 1570 from a protestant family, was an experienced member of the army who fought the Dutch for the benefit of the Spanish government. He was an expert in the field of explosive-making. At first, he was thought to be the culprit of the Gunpowder Plot against the House of Parliament but was later on cleared on the case. However, he was member of the team who created the plot and was the in-charge of securing the 36 barrels of gunpowder to be used in the plot. Those gunpowder did not cause the fire in the House of Parliament in 1834. It was an accident caused by explosion of the gunpowder stored by the officials of the House in their cellar.

At first, he was thought to be the culprit of the Gunpowder Plot against the House of Parliament but was later on cleared on the case. However, he was member of the team who created the plot and was the in-charge of securing the 36 barrels of gunpowder to be used in the plot. Those gunpowder did not cause the fire in the House of Parliament in 1834. It was an accident caused by explosion of the gunpowder stored by the officials of the House in their cellar.
When he was arrested with the charge of conspiracy against the government and involvement in the Gunpowder plot, he used the name John Johnson in concealing himself from the authorities. He was then brought to the king for trial. He was asked by the king the reason for his betrayal to his own country and he said that the King with the House of Parliament was a disease to the people. He was then tortured continuously for 4 days in attempt of making him confess his involvement in the plot and its other conspirators. Later on with the help of the government spies, all of the individuals involved in the plot were captured and together with Fawkes, they were hung on January 30 of 1606.

2. Aldrich Ames

Aldrich Ames
Aldrich is an American spy for the Soviet Union and Russia. Born on May 26, 1941, he was a former Central Intelligence Agency analyst and was also a counterintelligence officer of the agency. He was known for compromising a large number of CIA agents. He also revealed many of the CIA and FBI resources reporting on the activities of the Soviet Union.
March of 1993, Ames was captured by the intensive joint operation of the CIA and FBI. He was kept under the Allenwood U.S. penitentiary in Pennsylvania.

3. Benedict Arnold

benedict arnoldDubbed as the Man without a Country, Benedict was a general of the American Continental Army who fought during the American revolutionary war and was defeated by the British army.

He was also considered as a hero during the Battle of Lake Champlain (1776) and the Battle of Saratoga (1777). During the peak of his heroism he made enemies including some of his higher officers.

He soon switched sides with the British because he could not take the unfair treatment of the army he is serving.

One of which was the lack of recognition from all of the achievements he made for the country.
When he was about to be captured, he immediately escape and went to England.

Suffering form a disease known as Gout since 1775, he died on January 14, 1801.

4. Robert Ford

robert ford
Robert Newton Ford was best known for killing the leader of his gang Jesse James. His betrayal to him was unexpected. It was the result of a negotiation with the authorities in exchange for freedom after he was captured when a shootout occurred in his house.

Before his death, Jesse have grown suspicious of him when he was not able to report an incident to him. This incident was the confession of a gang member to the police of being involve to a murder.

Morning of April 3, 1882 while doing some household chores, Ford shot Jesse in the back. His reward for doing it was a full pardon granted by Crittenden just 2 hours before their death sentence.

5. Ezra Pound

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An American born poet, Ezra Pound was known for his masterpieces The Cantos, Ripostes, and Hugh Selwyn Mauberley. He was a principle figure of the modernist movement of the early 20th century. Being disappointed with the result of World War I, he moved to Italy and started his living there until the next world war.

During the WWII, the Italian government paid him just to criticize Pres. Franklin Roosevelt over radio broadcastings. He also criticized the Jews and became their number one discriminator. He was arrested for treason by the American army in 1945. During his captured, he was put in a 6×6 foot steel cage. It resulted

He also criticized the Jews and became their number one discriminator. He was arrested for treason by the American army in 1945. During his captured, he was put in a 6×6 foot steel cage. It resulted to his mental breakdown.

While in captivity, he wrote one of his famous masterpiece, which won a Bollingen Prize, the “The Cantos”. He died on November 1, 1972.

6. Tokyo Rose

tokyo roseIva Toguri D’ Aquino also known as Tokyo Rose, was a radio broadcaster and was also the seventh person ever charge with treason by the United States.

Her betrayal was triggered by unfortunate events caused by the U.S. itself including the denial of her appeal to go to China to visit her dying aunt. She started criticizing the U.S government in a radio broadcast. She was known as Tokyo Rose as a broadcaster of the Zero Hour. She was captured and detained by the U.S. army but was later on released due to lack of evidence after the World War II. She was again arrested months after the trial of one of his treason and was sentenced to imprisonment of up to 10 years without parole. After her release, President Gerald Ford issued an executive pardon for her. Her death is remembered every September 26.

She was known as Tokyo Rose as a broadcaster of the Zero Hour. She was captured and detained by the U.S. army but was later on released due to lack of evidence after the World War II. She was again arrested months after the trial of one of his treason and was sentenced to imprisonment of up to 10 years without parole. After her release, President Gerald Ford issued an executive pardon for her. Her death is remembered every September 26.

She was again arrested months after the trial of one of his treason and was sentenced to imprisonment of up to 10 years without parole. After her release, President Gerald Ford issued an executive pardon for her. Her death is remembered every September 26.

After her release, President Gerald Ford issued an executive pardon for her. Her death is remembered every September 26.

7. Robert Hanssen

robert hanssenRobert Hanssen was a spy of the Russia and Soviet Union to the American Government. Using his former position as a U.S. FBI agent, he supplied the Soviet Union and Russia relevant information including almost all of the name of every FBI agents who are working for the Americans.

He was arrested on February 18, 2001 and was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment as a consequence for his failed 15 appeal against charges of espionage and treason.

He was still continuing his sentence as of now.

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